Posts tagged ‘nutrition’


Glad ya’ll liked the homemade body scrub/hair rinse!!!!! Do you make any of your own beauty products????

So, as you all know, yesterday was my meeting with a nutritionist at my gym to talk about what I can do to reach my goals.

I ended up having a really awesome chat! Basically, the nutritionist knew that I want to gain weight, and also that I have major trouble doing so. So, he looked at a typical day of eats for me, and gave me some really good ideas. I don’t know if ya’ll remember, but a while ago I had mentioned going vegetarian. Well, here we don’t always have access to good veg products (or gf either, which is why I still don’t eat completely gluten free), and as it turns out, I’m anemic, so for now, the nutritionist recommended that I eat meat at least twice a week. I pretty much already do that……I mean, meat is not something I usually crave, but if its there, I’ll eat a little. Oh, he also said that I definitely get enough veggies, because my hands are tinged orange! hahahaha I think it actually caught him a little bit off guard. Also, I need to increase the amount of fat I have in my diet, which should be easy considering the fact that my momma just opened a jar of pb….:P hahaha

All in all, I had a good meeting, and left with a little checklist of things that I’m supposed to do throughout the day to improve my nutrition and to help me gain weight!!!!!!

Yesterday, I also took my second spinning class!!!! I loooove it!!!!!!! Its hard, but definitely in a good way, and I’ve loved having the opportunity to switch it up with my cardio!!! What are some of your favorite classes at the gym?

Well, that’s about it for today……see ya’ll tomorrow!!!

May 19, 2011 at 5:44 am 8 comments

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